Cultural Competency Enabler Programme
To support development of our cultural competence we have developed an exciting and innovative new approach to developing the foundations of our inclusive culture. Working in partnership across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS, NHS England/Improvement Midlands and the Midlands Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team, we have designed and developed our pilot Cultural Competence Development Programme.
To support the activity required as part of the diagnostic and beyond we are looking to develop a team of 40 Cultural Competency Enablers across LLR ICS, NHSEI Midlands and the Midlands Leadership and Life Long Learning Team that will help to facilitate our cultural development.
Cultural Competency Enablers (across the LLR, ICS NHSEI, and the Leadership Academy) will participate in a Development Programme to explore their own cultural understanding, identify, hone and promote culturally competent behaviours, perspectives, tools, and knowledge.
Cultural Competency Enablers will be role models and champions who strive to make a difference. They will have a unique role in supporting and facilitating increased cultural competence, making it possible for staff to improve awareness, progress their understanding and build skills to be more culturally competent.
As a Cultural Competency Enabler, you will learn how to debrief Cultural Competency 360 Assessments to enable individual, team, and organisational learning. You will be given the tools to help share best practice, engage in opportunities to share learning. You will help to facilitate and create psychologically safe developmental environments to support open dialogue with teams, partners, and collaborators across NHSEI Midlands and the LLR system.
Culturally competent organisations are not achieved through top-down directives. It requires a widespread organisational commitment – people willing to step in and lead the charge for change.
If this sounds like an interesting and exciting opportunity that you would like to be involved in and volunteer for, please take a look at the application criteria and guidance pack and complete your expression of interest.
Applications are now closed. Future opportunities will be added to this page.
For any further information about becoming a Cultural Competency Enabler please email
Application Criteria and Eligibility Spec Document
Cultural 360 Assessment
Cultural Competency Enabler Pack
Application Form